All Paediatric First Aid Courses

Suitable for all staff working with children, teachers, pre-school and school support staff, childminders and nannies who require the full 12-hour paediatric course that meets the OFSTED & EYFS guidelines and accredited by the First Aid Industry Body (FAIB).

Please note there is a practical element so you must be physically able to participate to receive your certificate.

MKPA - supporting development and making play safer

3 Day Morning Course - 9.30am to 1.45pm (Paediatric First Aid)

Paediatric First Aid For Childcarers - 3 Mornings


From £105.00

12-hour Paediatric course meeting OFSTED & EYFS guidelines and accredited by the First Aid Industry Body (FAIB), including practical use of epi-pens.

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2 Day Course - 9.30am to 4.30pm (Paediatric First Aid)

Paediatric First Aid Training Course - 2 Days


From £105.00

12-hour Paediatric course meeting OFSTED & EYFS guidelines and accredited by the First Aid Industry Body (FAIB), including practical use of epi-pens.

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4 Day Evening Course - 6.15pm to 9.30pm (Paediatric First Aid)

Paediatric First Aid Training Course - 4 Evenings



12-hour Paediatric course meeting OFSTED & EYFS guidelines and accredited by the First Aid Industry Body (FAIB), including practical use of epi-pens.

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2 Day Saturday Course - 9.30am to 4.30pm (Paediatric First Aid)

Paediatric First Aid Training Course - 2 Saturdays


From £105.00

12-hour Paediatric course meeting OFSTED & EYFS guidelines and accredited by the First Aid Industry Body (FAIB), including practical use of epi-pens.

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All Paediatric First Aid Courses

Paediatric First Aid Training Course - 2 Days


From £105.00

12-hour Paediatric course meeting OFSTED & EYFS guidelines and accredited by the First Aid Industry Body (FAIB), including practical use of epi-pens.

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Paediatric First Aid Training Course - 2 Saturdays


From £105.00

12-hour Paediatric course meeting OFSTED & EYFS guidelines and accredited by the First Aid Industry Body (FAIB), including practical use of epi-pens.

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Paediatric First Aid For Childcarers - 3 Mornings


From £105.00

12-hour Paediatric course meeting OFSTED & EYFS guidelines and accredited by the First Aid Industry Body (FAIB), including practical use of epi-pens.

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Paediatric First Aid Training Course - 4 Evenings



12-hour Paediatric course meeting OFSTED & EYFS guidelines and accredited by the First Aid Industry Body (FAIB), including practical use of epi-pens.

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